Knights hold breakfasts for vocations - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Participants at the “Breakfast with the Sisters” event in Newnan, sponsored by the St. Mary Magdalene Knights of Columbus were (front row, l-r) Sister Margaret Anne, OP, Sister Mary Patrick, OP, Sister Mary Emmanuel, OP, and Sister Veronica Anne, OP; (second row, l-r) Romina Subia, Elizabeth Nouryeh, Laysha Pascual, Daniella Lopez, Victoria Vazquez, Catherine Cervone, Rachel Dwyer, Jerendy Zamora, Joanna Rodgers; and (back row, l-r) Marisabela Escobar, Dana Subia, Kristina Zavaleta, Madison Midas, Katherine Keller, Mikayla Hand and Lauren Schexnayder.


Knights hold breakfasts for vocations

Published May 16, 2014

NEWNAN—Father Terry Crone and the Knights of Columbus Council at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Newnan, held the second biannual “Breakfast with the Sisters” on Feb. 15. Grand Knight Dino Cervone facilitated the vocations awareness event, held in the church’s fellowship hall.

Sixteen girls, in grades eight through 12, from St. Mary Magdalene Church and sister parish St. George Church, Newnan, attended the event, which included four Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. They enjoyed a pancake breakfast prepared and served by the St. Mary Magdalene Knights, Council 12862.

Twenty-five parents, grandparents and brother Knights also attended.

Following the breakfast, the sisters told stories of how God had called them to religious life and the joys and challenges they have experienced on their journey.

The sisters, who teach at St. Catherine of Siena School in Kennesaw, were Sister Mary Patrick, principal, Sister Margaret Anne, Sister Mary Emmanuel and Sister Veronica Anne.

On March 1, Father Crone and the parish’s council of Knights of Columbus held the fifth biannual “Breakfast with the Clergy” vocations awareness program for boys.

Fifteen boys in grades eight through 12 attended with diocesan priests and one Jesuit priest for a delicious breakfast prepared and served by the Knights. Twenty-two parents and grandparents were in attendance.

Following the breakfast, the priests told their stories of how God had called them to be a priest.

Clergy speaking and answering questions were Father Henry Atem of St. George Church, Father Terry Crone of St. Mary Magdalene Church, Father Kevin Hargaden of St. Matthew Church, Tyrone, and Jesuit Father Todd Kenny of the Ignatius House Retreat Center in Atlanta.