Gifts to priest feed students at Amigos for Christ school
Published October 24, 2013
After 31 years of active service as a priest, Father Jimmy Adams retired this summer. His retirement gift from friends and former parishioners took the form of donations to Amigos for Christ, who will in turn use the money to supply food for the feeding center Father Adams worked on in Nicaragua.
Each $100 collected will supply over 650 meals for the Nicaraguan children as they come to the school that Amigos for Christ built for them on what was once the city dump.
A $4,500 check was presented to Father Adams during the Amigos for Christ 15-year reunion celebration in Buford on Oct. 5. A week later the check presentation was repeated at St. Gabriel Church, Fayetteville, during a retirement celebration that followed the 5:30 p.m. Mass. By that time the check amount had grown to $4,800.
On both occasions Tony Caruso presented the check to Father Adams. The two are good friends, and they worked together at Our Lady of Mercy High School, Fayetteville, where Caruso is a teacher and coach and Father Adams was the chaplain for the past six years.