Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Brothers earn Boy Scouting’s highest rank at St. Peter Chanel

Published May 23, 2013
Joseph Hill organized improvements along the Blessed Trinity High School cross country trail as part of his Eagle Scout project.

Joseph Hill organized improvements along the Blessed Trinity High School cross country trail as part of his Eagle Scout project.

Brothers Matthew and Joseph Hill earned the rank of Eagle Scout in Troop 1134, sponsored by St. Peter Chanel Church, Roswell. It is Boy Scouting’s highest rank. They are the sons of Jeffrey and Anna Hill.

Joseph, 13, is an eighth-grade student at Queen of Angels School, Roswell. He is the first student in his school to receive this award and the youngest Scout in his troop to achieve this award. Joseph plans to attend Blessed Trinity High School, Roswell, this fall.

For his service project, Joseph coordinated a work crew that prepared a bench site along the Blessed Trinity cross country trail. They widened the trail, built a retaining wall and installed a redwood bench. Under his direction, Scouts and adult volunteers completed the project, which took more than 80 hours. He earned the rank on April 25.

Matthew Hill, left, organized the making of 500 hygiene kits that were given to the people who are homeless served by the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Atlanta. Deacon Bill Payne, right, met with him to identify the items the Shrine’s ministry needed.

Matthew Hill, left, organized the making of 500 hygiene kits that were given to the people who are homeless served by the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Atlanta. Deacon Bill Payne, right, met with him to identify the items the Shrine’s ministry needed.

Matthew, a freshman at Roswell High School, earned his Eagle Scout award last December. He directed his project to help the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in downtown Atlanta. He raised funds, collected personal care items and with the help of his troop, assembled 500 hygiene kits for the night shelter for men who are homeless and stay in the shelter.