Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Christmas Message For 2012

By BISHOP LUIS R. ZARAMA, Commentary | Published December 20, 2012

When we read the Gospels about the birth and the resurrection of Jesus, we see both have something in common. The birth, according to the traditions, takes place inside a cave, and the resurrection inside a sepulchre.

It is interesting that God, made man, is born in the darkness of a cave and then later the cave-like tomb is the witness of his resurrection. Both events are an expression of life.

We see how nature in the winter sheds its beauty, and in the midst of short days and long nights, invites us to reflect on the Christmas celebration. Nature invites us to prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child, to detach from all that prevents us from making a space for that Child who seeks a place to dwell inside us, to deposit his Love.

The many external displays tell us we are preparing to celebrate Christmas: lights, trees, music, nativities, and more. All of these are OK, but let’s remember that Child who was born inside a cave. This invites us to reflect on the fact that Christmas is not an external event, but on the contrary, it is an event that takes place within our hearts, in the depths of our being so that the life of that Child becomes the source where our hearts are nourished in true Love.

Mary and Joseph searched for a place, an Inn, but the hearts of all people were too busy to welcome them. How many things do we have to let go of in order for our hearts to make a place for Love to dwell?

While we have many things to be concerned about during this Christmas season, our main concern should be what goes on in our hearts. In humility, we celebrate the Love of the Christ Child. With his presence, we can become the best Christmas gift for our families and for our fellow human beings.

Within our very beings, in the deepest, darkest caverns of our hearts, is where the Christ Child wants to celebrate Christmas with us.

Merry Christmas and may the love of Jesus enable you to have a 2013 full of blessings.