Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Catholic Schools Week To Feature Spelling Bee, Banquet

Published January 19, 2012

This year, Catholic Schools Week will focus on the theme, “Catholic Schools: Faith. Academics. Service.”

This annual observance starts the last Sunday in January, running from Jan. 29 to Feb. 5.

According to the website for the National Catholic Educational Association, the theme “focuses on three priorities that Catholic schools establish that make them stand out from other educational institutions.”

Students are taught faith—not just the basics of Christianity, but how to have a relationship with God. Academics and high standards help each child reach his or her potential. Service, the giving of one’s time and effort to help others, is taught both as an expression of faith and good citizenship.

In Atlanta, latest figures show nearly 12,000 students enrolled in Catholic schools in 2009-2010. There are 18 archdiocesan Catholic schools in the Atlanta Archdiocese, in addition to five independent Catholic schools.

The Office of Catholic Schools will celebrate the week with special events, from a spelling bee to a banquet honoring standout teachers, coaches and faculty members, as well as the preschool director and the principal of the year.

On Tuesday, Jan. 31, Marist School, Atlanta, will host the annual spelling bee starting at 11 a.m.

On Wednesday, Feb. 1, all Catholic School eighth-graders will gather to celebrate Mass at 10 a.m. with Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta.

Capping the week, on Saturday, Feb. 4, will be the annual Education Banquet for school faculty members. Archbishop Gregory will celebrate Mass at 5 p.m., followed by a 7 p.m. dinner held at the Marriott Perimeter.