Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Dallas Parish, Knights Turn Store Into SVdP Center

Published November 11, 2010


In just 39 days, with more than 1,800 hours of volunteer work, a new St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store and Family Support Center rose from the remains of a closed furniture store in Dallas.

Now open at 651 West Memorial Drive, the thrift store offers bargains on clothing, shoes, books, furniture and housewares. The proceeds provide financial support to the local SVdP conference that is based at St. Vincent de Paul Church and serves the needy in the Dallas community. The store opened Oct. 2.

The family support center includes a food pantry and the SVdP conference hopes to expand services there in the future. The new store provides a large selection of used merchandise at low prices helping to give people in the Dallas area a cost-effective shopping option.

“Having the family support center and the thrift store under the same roof allows the Dallas community to experience all of the services SVdP provides,” said Kevin Barbee, director of store operations for SVdP Atlanta. “Since proceeds from the thrift store go directly back into the local community, SVdP will have a significant impact on the local economy.”

The store was a special project for the parish SVdP Conference of St. Louise de Marillac and co-presidents Joyce Fowler and JoAnne Burch. Members of Knights of Columbus Council 12287, named for the late Father Vincent M. Mulvin and also based at the parish, helped convert the old storefront. John Powers, past Grand Knight, coordinated all the work parties between the St. Vincent de Paul Society and the Knights. With the leadership of Grand Knight Steve Burger, they volunteered over 358 hours to remodel and stock the thrift store and support center. Paul Duncan, general contractor and parishioner, donated over 100 hours overseeing the project, directing the teams and frequently doing the work himself. Father Adrian Pleus, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Dallas, helped out during the build and provided much appreciated spiritual support.

The thrift store is open Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. People wishing to donate items can drop donations off during those hours. Volunteers from the St. Louise de Marillac Conference and other community volunteers staff the store.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Atlanta provides financial, material, educational and spiritual support to those in need regardless of background or faith and collaborates with other organizations to empower people to achieve self-sufficiency. The Society is an international organization and SVdP councils have operated in North Georgia since 1903. There are now 10 SVdP thrift stores in the archdiocese.

The store can be reached at (770) 443-1537.