Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Dinner, Jaime Thietten Performance To Benefit PATH

Published October 14, 2010

The annual fundraiser and dinner for PATH (Post Abortion Treatment and Healing) will be held on Thursday, Nov. 4, from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at the Cathedral of Christ the King. The event will include a performance by singer Jaime Thietten.

Tickets are $35 per person.

Msgr. Richard Lopez, chaplain and teacher at St. Pius X High School, will offer opening remarks about PATH and provide insights about the organization’s mission. Three PATH participants will share the story of how their lives crossed and were restored through this ministry.

Recording artist Jaime Thietten gained fame from her pro-life song, “My Chance,” released in 2008, performing it in concerts in several countries. A friend had sent her the lyrics for that song only days after she had prayed for guidance in her career, and she heard God reply “like he was across the room” that he wanted her to be “a voice for the unborn.”

She will perform her latest single, “Love’s Work Is Never Done,” which encourages the weary and propels audiences to make a difference in their communities.

“It’s such a timeless song and really encapsulates the idea of being put on this earth with a purpose and serving others along the way. It’s even ministered to me, seeing how God has formulated his plan for my life and has prepared us for each step in this ministry,” said Thietten. She added, “We need to appreciate and respect life at all costs, from the unborn, to the elderly, to the disabled and the homeless. We need to reach out and help those around us, despite our differences, and I feel it’s my mission to remind people of that and to do something to make a difference.”

PATH provides counseling and healing in retreats and small, directed study groups with Biblical-based readings and discussions, to heal and reconcile men and women affected by abortion. In turn the participants often become stirring spokespeople for life, helping others gain the benefits of their experience while avoiding the same fate.

The impact of PATH’s confidential ministry keeps growing throughout the diocese. The retreats and study groups welcome men and women in need of healing throughout the year. PATH’s spokespersons take the message in caring, non-threatening terms to schools, teen groups, pro-life programs and other forums across metro Atlanta.

For more information, visit or for help call (404) 717-5557.  For tickets e-mail or call (404) 432-1234.