Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Marietta Knights helping Moore, Okla., recover

Published April 1, 2010

Since a devastating tornado hit Moore, Okla., in May, the Knights of Columbus Council 8376 at St. Ann Church, Marietta, responded to calls for help from fellow Knights for people in the tornado-ravaged community.

The Knights in Marietta initially approved a $300 donation, but an urgent request came back for everyday goods.

Council Treasurer Bob Davis led the effort, along with his wife, Suzanne, to shop, pack and ship the aid. So far, four shipments each worth $300 have been sent to Moore.

The first shipment included pillows, bars of soap, toothpaste and 500 baby diapers. The following month the request was for sheets, soap and blankets. Additional blankets, soap and cleaning supplies were shipped in July and August.

“Each shipment was deeply appreciated by the Oklahoma Knights as evidenced in their thank-you letters. We hope to be able to continue the relief effort for several more months as long as the people in Moore need our help,” said Davis in a news release.