Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Social Justice Workshop To Be Held In Atlanta

By COLEEN SMITH, Special To The Bulletin | Published August 2, 2007

JustFaith Ministries will conduct a workshop to generate and strengthen the desire to connect the Catholic faith with social justice issues present in the world on Saturday, Aug. 25, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Cathedral of Christ the King.

JustFaith is a justice formation program that provides Catholics with a lively and challenging format to read, discuss, pray, experience and be formed by a justice tradition that, when lived out, changes lives, inspires faithful witness and transforms the world through love and service. The JustFaith process involves 30 weekly sessions, two retreats, and four immersion experiences.

Participants who dedicate themselves to this program have the privilege of growing in community while being formed by the justice tradition articulated in the Scriptures, the Church’s historical witness, and Catholic social teaching.

Many Christians long to be generous and compassionate people, and Catholics may often wonder how they are called to live their faith in today’s complex world. However, the opportunities to explore the Catholic justice tradition in a deliberate and engaging way have largely not been available, consequently shadowing the ability to recognize God’s call in a fresh and critical way.

The primary focus of JustFaith is on domestic and international poverty. Themes and topics addressed throughout the course of the program include the intersection of justice and spirituality, voices of the poor, the root causes of domestic and international poverty, the effects of the global economy, simple lifestyle, racism, sweatshops and effective strategies for change.

The introductory workshop in August is designed to give attendees a satellite view of Catholic social teaching, to share stories about the impact of JustFaith, and to encourage parishioners to take leadership in implementing this program in their parish. Attending this introductory workshop does not commit attendees to the JustFaith program.

Registration for the workshop is available online at Cost of the workshop is $20 per individual. Make checks payable to the Cathedral of Christ the King, Attn: Outreach/JustFaith. Registration fees should be sent to the attention of Bernadette Flowers, Parish Outreach Coordinator, at 2699 Peachtree Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30305.


For more information about the Atlanta program, contact Bernadette Flowers at or (404) 233-2145, ext 438, or Colleen Smith at or (404) 885-7472. Visit to find out more about this program.