Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Parishioners Invited To Take Archdiocesan Survey

By ERIKA ANDERSON, Staff Writer | Published May 24, 2007

Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory wants to hear from the people in the pews.

Archbishop Gregory formed the Archdiocesan Planning Committee in 2006 to proactively address the evolving pastoral, educational, social service and social justice needs of the communities the archdiocese serves.

Now, as part of the planning process, the planning committee is conducting a parishioner survey that is open to all Catholics in North Georgia.

The survey, which participants can complete in an estimated 30 minutes, can be taken between Saturday, May 26, and Sunday, June 10, online at

A link to the survey is also available through the archdiocesan Web site at

Lori Clarke, executive director of development and stewardship for the Archdiocese of Atlanta, said this is an important opportunity for parishioners.

“We’ve done the demographic studies and have gotten the factual info about the future growth and the ethnic mix of that growth in the archdiocese. We’ve gotten feedback from pastors and principals about their needs as the archdiocese grows,” she said. “But now we need feedback from the laity about how good of a job the archdiocese is currently doing and what they feel are the priority concerns in the coming decade.”

A third-party market research firm is conducting the survey, and all responses are confidential. Responses will be summarized and presented to the planning committee at an upcoming meeting. Clarke said the archbishop is especially eager to hear the responses from the laity.

“Archbishop Gregory is very much a listening person,” she said. “He very much wants to hear what people think and feel about this archdiocese.”