Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Wall Of Life Challenges On Many Levels

Published February 1, 2007

The “Wall of Life” at St. Thomas the Apostle Church has been on display since prior to the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, and the display will remain up until Feb. 12.

The wall contains four banners, each 7 feet by 3 feet, and two images of Christ, each 9 feet by 4 feet. From left to right, the first banner reads “Life, God’s Glorious Gift, The Seamless Garment.” The second banner contains the history of The Seamless Garment. The third banner bears the heading “Slashes & Gashes,” followed by a list of numerous violations to human rights, including abortion, capital punishment, domestic violence, racism, war. The fourth and final banner contains the “Gospel Truths” with references to Matthew 25 and Matthew 5:9. It also bears a commission for the faithful to “Love, Protect, Heal, Defend, and Restore All Life!”

The banners are written in English and Spanish.

St. Thomas’s parochial vicar, Father Eugene Barrette, MS, conceived the idea for this public display to support life. In the pamphlet created to accompany the banners, Father Barrette states that the first image of Christ in the red garment “represents Christ after he has been crucified by sin: by injustices, sins against life, sins against the presence of Christ himself, especially in the most vulnerable which would include the pre-born.” The second image of Christ in the white garment represents the “resurrected Christ,” but it shows a Christ who carries the various injustices that pose a threat to life in this world.

Sandra Bird, a parishioner and Kennesaw State University art professor, created the images of Christ. The parish pro-life ministry, with the sponsorship of Knights of Columbus, Council 12386, carried out the wall’s presentation. Father Barrette said plans are in the works to expand the wall to the corner of the church.

The next phase will go up in October for Respect Life Month. Monetary donations to further the Wall of Life project can be contributed to St. Thomas the Apostle Church—the proceeds will go to the parish pro-life ministry.