Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Mini-Institutes On Lenten Rites Planned

Published January 25, 2007

The Committee for Ongoing Formation of Priests and The Atlanta Forum on the Catechumenate are sponsoring two mini-institutes on “The Lenten Rites” Friday and Saturday, Feb. 2 and 3.

Father Rick Conway, pastor of St. Robert Bellarmine Church in Andover, Mass., will conduct the Friday, Feb. 2, institute for priests and deacons from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Church, 86 Lacy St., Marietta.

Friday’s focus will be “Presiding at the Lenten Rites.” The day is designed to help priests and deacons form a deeper understanding of how the celebration of the Lenten Rites with catechumens and candidates spiritually prepares adults and children for the Easter sacraments. The Lenten Rites include the Rites of Sending and Election, the Scrutinies, Presentations and the Penitential Rite. Father Conway, also a member of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate and a lively presenter, will engage priests and deacons in “hands-on” presiding, with dialogue, presentations and adaptation of a Lenten Rite.

For members of RCIA teams and music ministers, Father Conway will facilitate an institute on Saturday, Feb. 3, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., again at St. Joseph’s. This day will include presentations, dialogue and practical suggestions for preparing catechumens and candidates for a meaningful celebration of the Lenten Rites.

Registration for either day is $35 and includes lunch and all materials. Registration forms have been mailed to each parish or send names, days attending, and check to Initiation Ministries, c/o Mary Mauldin, St. Philip Benizi Church, 591 Flint River Road, Jonesboro, GA 30238 or e-mail The Atlanta Forum at