Couples Celebrating 50th, 60th Anniversary In 2006
Published February 23, 2006
Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory would like to honor couples in the Archdiocese of Atlanta celebrating their 50th or 60th wedding anniversary in 2006.
A Golden/Diamond Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, June 4, at 3 p.m. at the Cathedral of Christ the King. A catered reception will follow for the celebratory couples and their families. This event will be the first of many to honor various groups in 2006, which is also the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese of Atlanta.
Since tickets are required for this special occasion, couples celebrating golden or diamond anniversaries this year are asked to contact Linda Sweeney at the archdiocesan Family Life Office at (404) 885-7209 or by e-mail at by March 1 to be placed on the list to receive an invitation to the Mass and reception. Additional details will also be provided.