Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Archbishop To Celebrate Red Mass For Lawyers

Published September 1, 2005

Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory will celebrate the annual Red Mass for the St. Thomas More Society, the Catholic lawyers guild of Atlanta, at Sacred Heart Church on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 6:30 p.m. The Mass will be followed by a reception and casual dinner in the parish hall.

The history of the Red Mass for the legal profession dates back at least to 1310 and was held in Westminster to mark the fall term of the King’s Bench in England. The tradition also extends back many centuries in Italy and France. The Mass is celebrated annually in more than 40 cities across the United States. The title derives from the color of robes worn by priests and by judges at the celebrations in earlier times.

Those planning to stay for the reception and dinner should R.S.V.P. to Diane Graves, executive secretary of the St. Thomas More Society, at (404) 352-0583 or Sacred Heart Church is located at 353 Peachtree St., NE, Atlanta.