Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Summer Festival Offers Organ Performances

Published May 19, 2005

The 2005 Summer Organ Festival will begin on Wednesday, June 29, at the Episcopal Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta, with a concert by organist Jonathan Biggers, professor of organ at the State University of New York in Binghamton.

On Wednesday, July 6, Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, Atlanta, will present organist Gerre Hancock, former director of music and organist at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in New York City.

On Wednesday, July 13, Timothy Wissler, Ph.D., organist at the Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta, and Connie Melgaard, assistant organist at the Cathedral, will perform at the Cathedral’s Helen Riley Smith Organ Concert.

On Tuesday, July 19, Norman Mackenzie, music director at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, and director of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus, will perform along with the Trinity Brass at Trinity.

Each concert begins at 7:30 p.m., lasts about an hour, and is followed by a dessert reception. A $10 donation per person is suggested.