Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Newspaper Receives Eight Journalism Awards

Published June 3, 2004

The Catholic Press Association, which held its national convention at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington May 26-28, gave eight journalism awards to The Georgia Bulletin at the awards banquet that concluded the convention.

In the category of best photo illustration, staff photographer Michael Alexander was awarded first place for the front page of the March 6, 2003, issue entitled “Lenten Journey with Christ.” The illustration artfully features footprints in the sand, a Bible, rosary and crucifix and Scripture from Hosea. Judges noted that “this is a nice use of religious elements with good design and execution by the photographer.”

Alexander and archdiocesan director of information technology Ben Vigil also received a third-place award in the category of best regular special supplement for “The Way of the Cross” found in the April 17, 2003, edition. The supplement was a Lenten reflection on the Stations on the Cross. Photos were taken by Alexander, and Vigil created the design. Reflections were written by Msgr. Richard Lopez, the pastoral care staff at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Atlanta, Mary E. Russo and Marianne Buckley. Judges called it “something different—a special section on the Way of the Cross with thoughtful commentary, good photos and a compelling layout.”

In the category of best Web site, Vigil was also awarded an honorable mention for the newspaper’s site, which he designed last year. The Web site can be found at

Georgia Bulletin executive editor Mary Anne Castranio, who began working at the paper last August, received an honorable mention for best editorial on a specifically national or international issue for newspapers with circulations over 40,001 for “God Brings Children, Adoptive Parents Together” published Nov. 13, 2003. Castranio adopted her daughter from China in 1998.

Staff writer Priscilla Greear was awarded an honorable mention for best analysis/background/round-up writing, called the Gerard P. Sherry Award, for her March 6, 2003, article on the work of the Babies for Life Foundation entitled “Babies’ First Act of Charity May Resolve Stem Cell Dilemma.”

Greear received three other CPA honorable mentions as well, in the newspaper circulation division of over 40,001: for best local/regional news writing for the article “Diocese to Sue Chapel Claiming to Be Catholic” from Sept. 4, 2003; in the category of personality profile for her article published March 20, 2003 on James Flannery, entitled “Emory Professor Embodies Celtic Soul”; and for best newspaper feature writing, for her Sept. 18, 2003, article entitled “Christ’s ‘Amigos’ Offer Helping Hand to Rebuild Nicaraguan People’s Lives” on the Amigos for Christ nonprofit group based in Buford. The Society for the Propagation of the Faith in New York also honored Greear with an honorable mention in the “visit to the mission” category for the same article on “Christ’s ‘Amigos.’”

Among Catholic Press Association book awards, former Georgia Bulletin staff writer Thea Jarvis won a third-place award in the category of family life for “The Gift of Grandparenting,” published by Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Ind. “The format is very appealing. Love the cover illustration and the title!” the judges said. “Thea Jarvis offers good advice in an anecdotal style. She touches on ten ‘opportunities for sharing the gifts that each generation holds for the other.’”