Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Special collection to assist those affected by natural disasters

Published January 11, 2016

ATLANTA—In accordance with a request from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory has asked that parishes in the Archdiocese of Atlanta take up a special collection the weekend of Jan. 16-17 for those affected by natural disasters throughout 2016. Some of the funds from this one-time special appeal will assist people in the South and Midwest who are experiencing hardships from severe storms and flooding.

In a memo to parishes, David Spotanski, chief operating officer for the archdiocese, said that the funds collected will be directed to Catholic Charities USA, for use by them and their member agencies as they respond to immediate emergency needs. These needs, he said, will include “necessities such as water, food, shelter and medical care, as well as to respond to the long-term need to rebuild and recover after widespread destruction.”

Spotanski said, “The people of God in our archdiocese are always extremely generous in responding to these extraordinary requests.”

He added, “In this Year of Mercy we join with Pope Francis who invited everyone ‘to pray for the victims of the calamities which in these days have befallen the United States, Great Britain, and South America … May the Lord give comfort to all these peoples and may fraternal solidarity aid them in their need.’”

Those who prefer to donate electronically can do so at, by phone at 800-919-9338, or by mail to Catholic Charities USA, P.O. Box 17066, Baltimore, MD 21297-1066. For more information about the Catholic response to these emergencies and how to help, visit and