Lorraine V. Murray News & Columns
Lorraine Murray is a parishioner at St. Thomas More Church in Decatur.
Lorraine V. Murray
“The best laid plans of mice and men ”
On a blistering August day, my husband and I sat on the back deck having supper and listing our future adventures.
Previous Columns by Lorraine V. Murray
‘Christ plays in ten thousand places’
Looking at the big picture of our lives
The story of St. Paul and his invisible horse
Discovering Christ in the heart of silence
A little girl’s Christmas promise
Creating a new Bethlehem in our hearts
Fuzzy the Cat counts his blessings
‘The humans never fail to deliver’
You never quite breathe the same once they’re gone
Climb every mountain—but not alone
Seeing the Little Flower in a new light
Journeying back to a life-changing day
Praying in the middle of nowheresville
Discovering the hidden jewel of peace
I don’t see your name on the list
Longing for our true home
Silencing televisions, leaf blowers and the chatter in our heads
Wearing an invisible crown of thorns
The never-ending love story