Lorraine V. Murray News & Columns
Lorraine Murray is a parishioner at St. Thomas More Church in Decatur.
Lorraine V. Murray
“A child’s-eye view of Easter”
“How does my hair look?,” my mother asked anxiously as she peered into the mirror. On that Easter morning long ago, she wanted her hair to be perfect, but in Miami the weather had already turned hot, the humidity was rising—and hairstyles were doomed to fizzle. I ran a comb through my own limp locks […] English
Previous Columns by Lorraine V. Murray
Taming the taunting tongue
Lenten house on the prairie
Get ready for the battle during Lent
Loving Aslan too much
Dreams give us a glimpse of heaven
Cradling the future in my arms
The least of these may be the greatest among us
The great biscotti test
Good times with pasta, pajamas and poker
The lesson of the one-eyed sparrow
Goblins and demons and other night creatures
Confessions of an ex-tattletale
‘Help! My child has left the church!’
The day my stuffed toys turned into footballs
The angel of the gap
Secret prayers whispered in the kitchen
Blessed are the renters
The girl who didn’t trust angels
Journeying to the Promised Land