Lorraine V. Murray News & Columns
Lorraine Murray is a parishioner at St. Thomas More in Decatur.
Lorraine V. Murray
“A football, a little boy and a big dose of reality”
I was at the pool, heading to the snack bar, when I heard something that stopped me in my tracks.
Previous Columns by Lorraine V. Murray
My father’s perfect gift
Jesus will carry us across the river
The distance from one heart to another
The crossroads that changed our lives forever
God’s artistry provides coming attractions of heaven
Easter story has special meaning for broken-hearted people
What Mother Mary heard from the cross
At the crossroads of the narrow way during Lent
When storms hit, keep your eyes on Jesus
Whatever is lost will be found
Following the Christ Child into the new year
Seeing heaven in a wild bird
Christmas is God’s love letter to the world
Tiny baby was a witness to Christ
Terrible at tennis and pathetic on the piano? Thank God for our other gifts
Secret prayers at the creek
Reflections on the absence of a sandwich
The dream that never ends
Joys and sorrows of dating as a widow