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Catholic School Superintendent Resigns
October 6, 2005Judith Mucheck has resigned as the superintendent of schools for the Archdiocese of Atlanta, effective Nov. 23. In a letter sent Sept. 21 to all pastors and principals of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory indicated that he is currently conducting a national search for a new superintendent and if […]
Too Much Stuff Can Be A Spiritual Drag
September 29, 2005I waited a half hour to get into the church jumble sale and then was nearly stampeded by the mob of Saturday morning bargain hunters. One hour later, I emerged, somewhat frazzled and carrying one item. A book of Southern chicken recipes. I have a terrible horror of clutter, no doubt inherited from my mother, […]
What I Have Seen and Heard (September 29, 2005)
September 29, 2005My office received the notice that Gov. Perdue was asking that all Georgia schools stay closed on Monday and Tuesday of this week. He also asked if employers would consider shortening the workweek by a day to conserve energy during this extraordinary hurricane season that has already wreaked such devastation on the lives of so […]
Students Learn To Fight Intolerance
September 29, 2005Students from Holy Spirit Preparatory School, along with students from 50 other schools in the metro Atlanta area, will participate in the 10th annual Power Over Prejudice Summit, which will be held at the end of September on the Georgia Institute of Technology campus. The summit is conducted each year by the Anti-Prejudice Consortium, a […]
Catholic Women Hear Pleas For Immigration Reform
September 29, 2005The lack of visas for low-skilled workers desperate for a dignified life and jobs to survive were reasons cited for needed immigration reform during a workshop on immigration held as part of the National Council of Catholic Women’s 52nd biennial convention for over 1,200 women at the Hilton Atlanta Hotel. The Sept. 17 workshop addressed […]
Archbishop Gregory To Attend Synod On Eucharist
September 29, 2005Pope Benedict XVI presides in October over the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist, an assembly that will review liturgical issues, emphasize the importance of Sunday Mass and mark the close of the “Year of the Eucharist.” More than 250 bishops from every continent, including Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of Atlanta, will attend the Oct. […]
Columnist Honored For Lifetime Of Fidelity
September 29, 2005Although her life has been pierced with sorrow, Antoinette Bosco’s eyes sparkle when she talks, her laughter is warm, and her presence is engaging. The longtime columnist for Catholic News Service and author received the Distinguished Service Award Sept. 16 from the National Council of Catholic Women for her leadership and service to the Catholic […]
Diaconate Director Will ‘Pass Torch’ At Year’s End
September 29, 2005After serving for over 17 years as a director in the diaconate program, promoting the permanent diaconate throughout the archdiocese and the nation, Deacon Alfred Mitchell will retire at the end of this year. Deacon Mitchell, who was ordained in 1987, serves as a permanent deacon at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Decatur and […]
Permanent Deacons Renew Commitment To Ministry
September 29, 2005Some 100 permanent deacons of the Archdiocese of Atlanta attended a recommitment Mass and convocation on Saturday, Sept. 10, at the Cathedral of Christ the King, where they renewed their vows to serve the church through their ministry of word, service and charity. Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory thanked the men for their dedicated service to […]
Father Lawrence Swartz, 79 Years A Trappist, Dies
September 29, 2005Father Lawrence Swartz, OCSO, who spent 60 years of monastic life at the Monastery of the Holy Spirit, died Sept. 26. He was 98. Father Lawrence, a native of Falls City, Texas, was known for his keen sense of humor and joke-telling abilities. Born Thomas Swierc on April 30, 1907, he changed his name to […]