Catholic Foundation Distributes Almost $100K In Grants
By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer | Published February 3, 2011
The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia approved 21 grants worth $99,900 in the fall of 2010 to support a variety of causes throughout the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The projects ranged from classroom improvements to the archdiocesan-wide Catholics Come Home initiative.
The following grants came from the general grants program, which is funded by the foundation’s general, Goizueta and community services endowment funds:
Archdiocese of Atlanta Office of Stewardship: $35,000 to support the local Catholics Come Home Campaign.
University Catholic Center at Emory University: $1,500 to purchase donor management software that will help the center better communicate with donors and alumni.
Chastity Matters, Inc.: $2,500 to support costs of a part-time coordinator position and expenses for training. Chastity Matters presents programs for middle school and college age students and their parents to discuss the value of chastity and changes encountered when growing into adulthood.
Friends of L’Arche Atlanta: $5,000 to support operations costs. L’Arche provides a home where people of faith, with and without developmental disabilities, live together to promote the independence of those with developmental disabilities.
Holy Redeemer School: $5,000 to purchase interactive smart boards that will upgrade the technology in their classrooms.
Ignatius House: $6,000 to support the Ignatius Spirituality Project, which provides healing retreats for individuals transitioning out of homelessness.
Lyke House at the Catholic Center at AUC: $5,000 to help purchase lighting to increase security and signage that will increase the visibility of the center.
New Hope Enterprises: $5,000 to support programs that provide job training and skills to “hard-to-employ” individuals and children transitioning out of the foster care system.
Our Lady of the Mountains Church: $4,400 to support a pilgrimage to St. Augustine for local teens to learn Catholic history in the South.
Post Abortion Treatment & Healing (PATH): $2,500 to purchase needed technological equipment for staff and operations. PATH provides important healing and support services for people who have been traumatized by abortion.
Renovacion Conyugal, Inc.: $5,000 to support costs associated with running teen programs that seek to strengthen and improve communication in Latino families.
Sheltering Grace Ministry: $5,000 to support costs for improvements and operations for the recently donated home which will shelter homeless pregnant women.
St. Joseph School: $6,000 to purchase interactive smart boards that will upgrade technology in their classrooms.
Totus Tuus Catholic Radio: $5,000 to support operations costs of providing their weekly English language broadcasts of Catholic programming on WDUN-AM in Gainesville.
The following grants were issued from the Parish Enrichment Grants Program funded by the general fund and approved by the Catholic Foundation’s Pastors’ Advisory Council:
St. Paul the Apostle Church: $1,000 to purchase Bibles and equipment needed for the Eucharistic Retreat Program.
St. Oliver Plunkett Church: $1,000 to purchase materials for handmade items provided by The Loving Stitches Ministry, as well as bottles, diapers and other much-needed items to mothers and foster families of newborns.
St. Jude the Apostle Church: $1,000 to support the St. Jude Altar Server Guild program.
St. Francis of Assisi, Cartersville: $1,000 to conduct census research of the parish region.
St. Michael the Archangel: $1,000 to provide scholarships to families that cannot afford programming costs of the Life Teen program.
St. Philip Benizi: $1,000 for supplies and equipment that helps provide health screenings by the Angels of Mercy Ministry.
St. Peter the Rock Church: $1,000 to purchase audiovisual equipment to enhance outreach and education programs, primarily for teens in the Upson-Lamar-Pike tri-county area.
The foundation’s next deadline for the general and parish enrichment grants is March 31. To receive an application, e-mail the foundation at