Athens Nun Celebrates Golden Jubilee - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Athens Nun Celebrates Golden Jubilee

Published May 19, 2005

Sister Helen Marie Gates, IHM, a member of the staff at St. Joseph School, Athens, celebrated her golden jubilee on March 10. For the past 50 years, Sister Helen has faithfully lived the charism of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM)—to educate with love, creative hope and fidelity.

The faculty of St. Joseph School, along with the students, parents and St. Joseph Church parishioners, honored Sister Helen at a celebratory Mass on March 10. To commemorate the occasion, she renewed her vows, witnessed by the pastor, Father David McGuinness, and previous St. Joseph pastors, Father Larry Niese and Father Victor Reyes, as well as parochial vicar Father Dayro Rico and Deacon Jim Gaudin.

Sister Helen’s sisters and cousins traveled to Athens for the event. Following Mass, the celebration continued with a joyful musical re-enactment of events in Sister Helen’s life by St. Joseph School students and a spirited musical tribute by the school faculty.

Sister Helen has served at St. Joseph School for five years and will leave Athens in June when the IHM sisters’ 36-year period of service at the school will end.