Marriage and the Worldwide Marriage Encounter experience
By FRANK and VALENTINA PEREZ | Published July 11, 2024
WOODSTOCK–We are Frank and Valentina Perez. We have been married for 11 years. We have three handsome boys, and recently our precious baby girl was born. We are parishioners of St. Michael the Archangel Church in Woodstock. We are part of the Worldwide Marriage Encounter ecclesial team along with Father Vincent Sullivan for the Georgia/Tennessee area.
Before we experienced our Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, we were like most married couples today. We were caught up with our jobs, our children’s activities, our extended family and all the responsibilities of married life. Like most couples there wasn’t much time left for us. We were going in several different directions. We’d tell each other when things settle down, we’ll have more time for us, but it never settled down.
At the end of our day when the kids were finally asleep, we were exhausted. We loved one another, but missed the quality time we had together and the opportunity to focus on us. So, when we saw an article in our parish bulletin about a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Experience, we decided to take some time for us and registered.
This Weekend was just what we needed. It rekindled the spark and passion that made our relationship so special. The communication technique taught on the Weekend, gave us a new way to express what was going on inside us. As we used this technique and talked about the joys and struggles in our life and we got to a deeper level of understanding, this brought us even closer. Our focus was back to where it should be. This is what we had hoped for. At the end of our Weekend, we realized that the greatest gift we could give to our children is our love for each other. When they see us happy and in love it gives them a great sense of security. Gods’ presence is felt in our home through the love we have for each other and our children.
So, what do we say about marriage, when couples ask questions and make statements like these, “What happened to that spark in our marriage?” “Seems like we never have time to talk or spend quality time together anymore.” “Why did I respond the way I just did?” “There has to be more to our marriage.” Sound familiar? From time to time, we all have asked these questions or made these statements.
The answers to these questions and many more can be answered on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. This Weekend is for good marriages. Even good marriages need to be rejuvenated. No marriage is perfect, we all have room to grow and improve. The Weekend addresses many of these questions and gives practical solutions to bring couples closer. It also provides insights into what God is calling couples to in their marriage. This heartwarming experience builds on the love the couple has for each other. It provides an opportunity for them to focus on their relationship and explore new ways to love and care for each other.
The objective on the Weekend is to improve the communication between husband and wife and insight on ways to enhance their relationship. Some of the questions addressed at Marriage Encounter are:
Why are feelings so important in our communication?
Feelings are the foundation of intimate communication. We know that feelings drive our behavior and that most couples are dealing with each other at a behavioral level. Did you ever notice how you react when your spouse has a sad or angry look on their face? You might think, “What did I do now?” The surface behavior is seen and judged and that is the beginning of what could be a tense day or evening. The point is we see the behavior and we react to it, never understanding what the underlining cause is. The Weekend helps you to understand why these behaviors exist and what is driving them.
Who am I, and why do I behave the way, I do?
On the Weekend we learn about our personality style and their associated behaviors and how they can enhance or hinder our relationship. It’s important to understand our own behavior. This understanding gives us the knowledge we need to make effective choices, which can lead us to a closer more loving relationship.
Why are we in this downward spiral?
At times we are disappointed with the way things are going in our marriage and we wonder why. On our Weekend we come to understand that we are subtly trained for marriage by what we saw in the marriages of our parents and grandparents and this created our expectations for our marriage. When these expectations are not realized, we become disappointed and begin to experience a downward spiral which often leads to loneliness and distance. On the Weekend we have the opportunity to explore expectations and how we can deal with them.
Why is it so difficult to listen to our spouse?
We do not realize it, but because of who we are and because of certain barriers to listening and incidents in our past it is often difficult to listen to our spouse in certain areas. On the Weekend we explore those barriers and come to understand how to listen with our hearts.
Why are there areas in our relationship that are off limits, area we just don’t discuss?
Often times we avoid certain areas in our relationship and this causes distance between us. We just don’t know how to approach these areas without causing a problem. The Weekend provides a structured way to express yourself in these areas with trust and confidence, emphasizing the fact that your relationship is more important than any issue faced.
What does God want for us in our marriage?
God’s desire for us is to be close and in love. He wants us to be unified and to know there is a greater purpose to our marriage. We are a sacrament, a visible sign God’s love in the world. As a sacrament we have certain gifts that are made available to us. On the Weekend you will come to know these gifts and how to use them to bring more joy into your marriage.
We invite you to experience a Worldwide Marriage Weekend. Upcoming weekend dates for this year are Aug. 9-11 and Nov. 15-17 in Atlanta. For information, please go to the website: WWME.org/apply or call 678-242-WWME. Spanish-language weekends are also available.