Sixty years of The Georgia Bulletin
By GEORGIA BULLETIN STAFF | Published November 20, 2023
ATLANTA—On the front page of the Nov. 28, 1963 issue of The Georgia Bulletin, still in its inaugural year of publication, Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan offered words of prayer following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
“John F. Kennedy was a man, a husband, a father, a son, a brother. The entire human family mourns his death,” wrote the archbishop. “We are somehow all diminished when a man of his vision, principle and courage is cut down in his prime. But in Christian confidence, we ask God to receive him now and grant him eternal light and peace.”

The Nov. 28, 1963 edition of The Georgia Bulletin.
The historical paper, which also covered Atlanta’s Masses for the president and reaction from Rome, is available online. This month marks 60 years since the president’s murder in Dallas.
This edition and more recent issues of The Georgia Bulletin are available online through the Digital Library of Georgia.
A project of the Office of Archives and Records of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, full text issues of the local Catholic newspaper from 1963 to current times are now digitized.
Over several years, the Office of Archives and Records sent batches of historical print issues of The Georgia Bulletin for preservation scanning. This protects fragile papers from further damage. Researchers can now easily access local Catholic history in north Georgia.
To do a full-text search of previous Georgia Bulletin issues, visit the DLG’s Georgia Historic Newspapers Project at gahistoricnewspapers.galileo.usg.edu. To search the publication, click on the search tab and include your criteria before limiting your search to The Georgia Bulletin in the newspaper drop down list.
For a more comprehensive search, please include Bulletin and The Bulletin, which were names of predecessor publications digitized and uploaded by the Diocese of Savannah. A link is also available by visiting georgiabulletin.org and clicking on Historical Issues Project under the Archives heading.
The DLG is a GALILEO initiative that collaborates with Georgia’s libraries, archives, museums and other educational and cultural institutions to provide access to key information on Georgia history, culture and life. DLG serves as Georgia’s hub for the Digital Public Library of America and home of the Georgia Newspaper Project, the state’s historic newspaper microfilming proj