Priests gather for Advent prayer, reconciliation
Published December 19, 2022
NORCROSS—Sixty-six priests from the Archdiocese of Atlanta gathered for their annual Advent Day of Reflection on Monday, Nov. 28, at Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Church in Norcross.

Father Tim Gallagher, Father Tim Hepburn and Father Gaurav Shroff were among the priests gathering for the Advent Day of Reflection for priests Nov. 28. Photo by Amanda Hailey
The presenter was Father Michael Silloway, pastor of Christ our King and Savior in Greensboro, who presented a talk entitled “Advent and the Shepherd’s Heart.”
Following the talk, priests had the opportunity for confession. They also enjoyed lunch and fellowship. The women’s group at Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Church prepared many delicious appetizers for the group.