Cancer home auxiliary installs new board of officers, celebrates annual Mass
By JEAN DRISKELL, Special to the Bulletin | Published April 5, 2018
ATLANTA—Members of the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Home Auxiliary attended their annual Mass for the living and deceased members and their families on Thursday, Feb. 15, in the cancer home’s chapel. The celebrant was Dominican Father Arthur Kirwin.
Following Mass, the members attended their quarterly meeting where Barbara Ginn and Florence Pharris were voted in as president and vice president, respectively. Margaret (Meg) Burnett was elected parliamentarian. The rest of the auxiliary board agreed to remain in their positions for another term. After the votes, the auxiliary board was officially installed.
The other auxiliary board members are Regina James, recording secretary; Emma Reynolds, corresponding secretary; Gwendolyn Scott, treasurer; Bertha Rucker-Scott, membership chair; and Marie Murray, auxiliary raffle chair.
Hawthorne Dominican Sister Miriam Smith, Mother Superior, accepted a $150,000 check from the auxiliary. The money comes from the annual raffle sales, the silent auctions from the annual champagne luncheon and individual contributions.
The next meeting will be held Thursday, May 17, at 10 a.m. There will be a Spring Bazaar before and after the meeting. Lunch is served after the meeting and costs $5.
For more information and to RSVP, please call Emma Reynolds, 404-969-8017.