Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Geneva Tigue will speak at the February Magnificat

Published January 11, 2018

ATLANTA—All women are invited to come to the first Magnificat meal of 2018, which will be held on Saturday morning, Feb. 17. Worship leader and speaker Geneva Tigue will share her faith story.

The Magnificat is held at Holy Cross Church, Atlanta, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Whether with a friend or on their own, women are welcome to come to this breakfast and to hear of the activity of God’s spirit in everyday lives.

Geneva Tigue

Geneva Tigue is a worship leader, songwriter and speaker. She and her husband, Michael, and four children reside in Peachtree City and are members of Holy Trinity Church.

She began public singing and ministry as a young child with her parents, Jerry and Cricket Aull. Geneva and Atlanta musician Greg Ferrara have led worship for four years at the Archdiocese of Atlanta Eucharistic Congress and were asked to lead again this year. They released a debut album, “Grace Fall Down,” last August.

She attended Franciscan University of Steubenville, in Ohio, where she worked with Scott and Kimberly Hahn. She is fluent in Spanish and has done missionary work with both Catholic and Protestant groups and has been a part of the charismatic movement since seventh grade. She and her husband lead Alpha and Life in the Spirit at Holy Trinity Church.

Magnificat is a ministry to women within the Church that has spread throughout the world. The Atlanta chapter, the Joyful Visitation chapter, is 26 years old. Through the meal and proclamation of faith stories in the lives of everyday women, its purpose is to help women open more to the Holy Spirit through a deeper commitment of their lives to Jesus as Lord and to impart the Holy Spirit to one another by their love, service and sharing the good news of salvation.

The Magnificat includes a catered hot breakfast, with a hostess at each table, praise and worship led by a music ministry and intercessory prayer. The sacrament of reconciliation and the opportunity for individual prayer are available afterward.

Reservations are $15 and are made in advance. To register, please send your name, address, parish, if applicable, contact information and a check made payable to Magnificat Joyful Visitation to Debbie DuPont, 315 Rose Court, SW, Lilburn, GA 30047. Reservations must be postmarked by Feb. 10. No tickets will be returned. Check-in will be at the door for those with reservations only.

The doors open early and guests are encouraged to arrive by 9 a.m. Holy Cross Church is located at 3773 Chamblee Tucker Road, Atlanta, less than a mile from the Chamblee Tucker Road exit on Interstate 285.

Priests and religious are invited to attend free of charge, but reservations are still requested to plan for the meal. Since the morning is designed to speak to the hearts of women free of distractions, it is respectfully requested that young children not be in attendance.

For more information, please contact Debbie DuPont at 770-696-6216 and visit the Facebook page at Magnificat-Joyful-Visitation-Chapter. To receive an invitation to Magnificat meals, send a request to