Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


PATH fundraiser Nov. 9 at Holy Spirit

Published November 3, 2017

ATLANTA—Post Abortion Treatment and Healing (PATH) will welcome Dr. Martha Shuping, M.D., a psychiatrist who has helped men and women recover from the effects of abortion since 1985, to speak at its annual fundraiser.

The PATH dinner will be Thursday, Nov. 9, at Holy Spirit Church, 4465 Northside Drive, NW, Atlanta.

PATH sponsors the event to heighten awareness of its work to promote healing for those touched directly or indirectly by abortion.

More than 20 years ago Mary Ann McNeil founded PATH’s ministry. PATH comforts men and women in small Bible study groups and larger retreats. The ministry is supported by Sister Pat Thompson, Msgr. Richard Lopez, Father Brian Lorei, Deacon Mike Mobley and other religious and volunteers.

Dr. Shuping has led more than 50 Rachel’s Vineyard retreats and trained mental health professionals and ministry teams in more than 20 countries. Years ago, she taught PATH volunteers how to provide the retreats in Georgia. Shuping has made several formal presentations at the United Nations, as well as at university campuses and medical schools. She is author of the book, “Four Steps to Healing,” and of published research on abortion and mental health, including three chapters in “Peace Psychology Perspectives on Abortion,” about mental health complications of abortion and recovery programs.

This year, The Catholic University of America appointed Shuping a faculty associate in the Catholics for Family Peace Education and Research Initiative, involving her in projects related to abortion and family violence.

At Belmont Abbey College in Belmont, North Carolina, she teaches “Theological and Psychological Perspectives on Reproductive Issues,” encompassing pregnancy counseling and post-abortive ministry. In 2014, she completed Harvard Medical School’s Global Clinical Scholars Research Training.

The catered PATH dinner, to be held in the parish’s McDonough Hall, will feature music by the trio, JAS.