Forest Park
Smyrna Knights donate new ultrasound machines for Pregnancy Aid Clinic
Published April 6, 2017
FOREST PARK—The Knights of St. Thomas the Apostle Council 12386, Smyrna, formally presented two new ultrasound machines Feb. 2 to the Pregnancy Aid Clinic for their Roswell and Forest Park facilities.
The Knights in attendance included Grand Knight Bill Bauer, Georgia State Deputy Mark McMullen, chaplain Father Paul Rainville, Deputy Grand Knight Tom Simcox, Chancellor Jerry Sweeney, treasurer Ken Lenz and council photographer Jan Youngers. The Pregnancy Aid Clinic was represented by chief executive officer Marla Brown, chair of the board of directors Julie Ostrowski and ultrasound technician Marianna Pires.

Two new ultrasound machines and peripheral equipment were donated to the Pregnancy Aid Clinic earlier this year for use in the clinic’s Forest Park and Roswell facilities. Photo By Jan Youngers
Father Rainville blessed the new ultrasound machine. The check was presented in a special ceremony, followed by a tour of the Forest Park facility.
The presentation ceremony was the culmination of a journey that began in September when the St. Thomas Respect Life Ministry asked Council 12386 for help in planning and executing the “Change 4 Life” baby bottle fundraiser they wanted to sponsor. Over a four-week campaign in October, 15 Knights contributed over 50 service hours working on the program along with 29 members of the Respect Life Ministry. The drive brought in over $18,000 in donations from parishioners.
During this time period, the Pregnancy Aid Clinic was experiencing problems with some of the equipment that supports their ultrasound machines. General Electric made an extremely generous offer to the clinic for two new ultrasound machines and peripheral equipment, but the machines had to be purchased before the end of the year. The clinic reached out to the council for help in financing the purchase.
Using a share of the baby bottle drive proceeds, the council donated $10,389 toward the purchase of the new equipment. Working with Georgia State and Supreme representatives, the council was able to secure matching funds, which allowed the clinic to pay for the two new ultrasound machines without dipping into their operational money.
Grand Knight Bauer said, “It was a miracle how this all came together as quickly and smoothly as it did.” And State Deputy McMullen, a longtime member of Council 12386, added, “This is the greatest accomplishment ever by Council 12386.”
Pregnancy Aid Clinic is a nonprofit organization that exists to serve families and save unborn children from abortion. The only pregnancy resource center in the area that offers a Catholic perspective to those in need, the clinic started in 1984 and serves men and women regardless of financial ability, race, age or religion. Women can receive free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and education. More information can be found at www.pregnancyaidclinic.com.