Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Sister Eileen Murray celebrates 75th jubilee

Published June 23, 2016
Sister Eileen Murray, GNSH

Sister Eileen Murray, GNSH

YARDLEY, Pa.—Sister Eileen Murray, a Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart, celebrated her 75th jubilee this spring. In her decades of service, Sister Eileen taught in the Atlanta Archdiocese both at Christ the King School and at St. Jude the Apostle School. Then from 1986 until her retirement in 2010 she founded and served as pastoral minister to the elderly at St. Jude the Apostle Church, Atlanta.

In her retirement, she lives at D’Youville Manor, the personal care facility on the property of the former Grey Nun motherhouse in Yardley. She enjoys reading and the occasional television show.

In a message on the website of the congregation, she said that her jubilee “sparks gratitude, memories and a deep awareness of the privilege of being a Grey Nun of the Sacred Heart: a perfect fit for me.”

“Thanks to family, friends, and Grey Nuns Sisters who have loved and encouraged me over the years. God’s abundant blessings enable me to delight in being a daughter of St. Marguerite d’Youville,” Sister Eileen wrote of the Grey Nun foundress.