Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Archbishop Gregory: Why should people attend the Eucharistic Congress?

Published May 12, 2016
Photo By Michael Alexander

Photo By Michael Alexander

As soon as May arrives each year, I begin to run into folks from throughout the Archdiocese of Atlanta who declare that they are already looking forward to our Eucharistic Congress. This annual celebration has in many ways come to define our local Church in the minds and hearts of lots of people. One doesn’t have to be a traditional or an immigrant Catholic to find our Eucharistic Congress to be an important moment.

The congress is a moment for this local Church to rejoice in our identity as a diverse family of faith. There is no question that our multicultural distinctiveness is richly celebrated at the Eucharistic Congress. We rejoice that we are a people of God who reflect on the universality of the Church of Christ, and the Eucharist itself remains the anchor of our unity. Whether you are a first time participant or have never missed this celebration, I warmly invite you to our 21st annual Eucharistic Congress, where our theme this year focuses on the Holy Year of Mercy.

Our congress offers multiple settings for people of different ages, cultures and circumstances. We welcome everyone from our youngsters to those with special needs. The congress offers many opportunities for quiet prayer, informative presentations and interpersonal contacts. You can participate in the entire event or come for only a portion. The music and festive atmosphere is engaging. Our kids have a place as well as those who come to listen to a specific presenter.

The EC has evolved into a festival of faith for everyone. I urge all of you to consider making a trip to the Georgia International Convention Center for our 21st Eucharistic Congress and to bring a friend or two to share in this happy moment of faith and fellowship for Catholics here in the Archdiocese of Atlanta and so many of our guests from other local Churches who join us for this special time each year.