Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


First-graders build model to get a handle on anatomy

Published April 14, 2016
Emilie Edwards shows her made-by-hand science project creating a thoracic cavity at Our Lady of the Assumption School, Atlanta.

Emilie Edwards shows her made-by-hand science project creating a thoracic cavity at Our Lady of the Assumption School, Atlanta.

ATLANTA—At Our Lady of the Assumption School, students participate in a STREAM program focused on Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics. It’s an interdisciplinary and applied educational philosophy founded on hands-on, problem-based learning.

John Lamarca heads the STREAM program. First-grade students built models of the thoracic cavity to end a science unit focused on the organs, muscles and protective structures of the body. The wearable body model reinforced students’ comprehension of vital organs and how they fit together, complete with manicotti spinal cords and functioning inflatable lungs.