GraceWay Links - Georgia Bulletin - Georgia Bulletin

Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

GraceWay Links

Published April 1, 2015

Local Catholic Resources

  • In the Archdiocese of Atlanta, parishes with support ministries include All Saints Church in Dunwoody and St. Brigid Church in Johns Creek. Contact information for All Saints’ ministry is available online at under the “Outreach” tab. For details on St. Brigid’s ministry, go to to locate the program under “Helping and Healing Ministries.”
  • Parents of Prodigals is a new group meeting at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Atlanta. The ministry is for parents of adolescents and young adults struggling with various addictions. The group has a Bible study and meets the first and third Tuesdays at 7 p.m. For information, contact Suzanne Strang at or 404-472-4477. The group will be using a series by Father Emmerich Vogt, “The Spirituality of the 12 Steps” for the remainder of the year. Strang said the goal of the group is to connect parents early in their struggles and reduce their suffering. “This is truly a family disease that affects entire families,” she said.
  • A Healing Mass for Addictions is held the second Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, 1350 Hearst Drive, NE, Atlanta. Anyone is invited and welcomed to attend if they, or a loved one, or anyone they know may be dealing with the struggle of addiction of any kind. A reception follows the Mass. For information, contact Mark Dannenfelser at

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To Start A Ministry

The National Catholic Council on Addictions works to help priests, women and men religious, deacons, lay ministers and parishioners as a resource center for parish ministries. The SAM program, or Substance Addiction Ministry, is a support ministry developed by NCCA. At the parish level, SAM helps people face the challenges accompanying addiction. For information on SAM, call 1-800-626-6910 or visit