Msgr. McNamee named NCEA 2015 Distinguished Pastor
Published February 5, 2015
ATLANTA—Msgr. Francis (Frank) G. McNamee, rector of the Cathedral of Christ the King, has been selected by the National Catholic Educational Association for the 2015 Distinguished Pastor Award.
The annual award, established in 2007, honors pastors who have given outstanding support to Catholic elementary education.
“We in the Christ the King School community know that he is an outstanding pastor,” said Tricia Ward, school principal. “How gratifying that it is now being acknowledged on a national level.”
According to the NCEA, the award recognizes pastors who have a clear philosophy of Catholic education, support the school administration, provide spiritual guidance to the school community, participate in school activities and work with the constituents of the school community, including the school board and parent association. They are also recognized for engaging the community in providing financial support to the school.
Pastors nominated must be highly recommended by a range of people, including the school principal, a faculty member, school board or parish council officer and school parent. The nomination must be affirmed by the superintendent of Catholic schools and the archbishop.
Msgr. McNamee will be presented the award at the NCEA awards banquet during its convention in Orlando, Florida, in April. He is one of 12 pastors selected from across the country.
His recognition was announced in the archdiocese at the Archbishop’s Banquet for Catholic Education, held Jan. 31 at the Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel.