Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Photo By Michael Alexander
St. John Neumann Church’s Sh3ma band members (r-l) Xochil Pereiro, Susana Ramirez and Clara Olguin-Richardson perform with other band members before an enormous crowd in the Spanish track. Photo By Michael Alexander

College Park

Spanish track speakers voice key themes

By RUTH E. DÁVILA, Special to the Bulletin | Published June 27, 2014

COLLEGE PARK—A group of varied speakers, in addition to Mother Adela Galindo, addressed the Eucharistic Congress’ Spanish track—a nearly full auditorium holding up to 6,000 attendees. Two threads linked their talks together: the congress theme of “Go and Make Disciples” (Mt 28:19) and the vibrant music of the Hispanic choir from St. John Neumann Church in Lilburn.

Speakers and their key messages were:

Bishop Luis R. Zarama, auxiliary bishop of Atlanta

Key theme: God’s love and healing.

“When two people in love get together, they often don’t speak—they just sigh. They open up completely. Do we do that with Jesus? He is waiting for us. Let’s open ourselves up like lovebirds to what true love is.”

“The Lord calls us to the real joy of the heart. He calls us to the resurrection to heal our memory. Through a healed memory, our past no longer causes us pain; we pass from the cross to the resurrection.”

“Let’s accept the romance that God invites us into. Let’s make time for love dates with him. Listen to him. He will bring out the best in you.”

Juan David Henao talks at the 2014 Eucharistic Congress Spanish track June 21 with a lively presentation. Photo By Thomas Spink

Juan David Henao talks at the 2014 Eucharistic Congress Spanish track June 21 with a lively presentation. Photo By Thomas Spink

Juan David Henao, Escuela Bíblica Católica Yeshu’a, Medellin, Colombia

Key theme: Avoidance of sin and forgiveness.

“Sin is very easy to fall into, but very hard to escape. You become its slave. Don’t dabble in temptations and sin. Don’t be fooled. Better yet, choose Jesus Christ, the way, the truth and the life. All other options are dead-end streets.”

“God never gets tired of forgiving us. We are the ones who get tired of asking him for forgiveness.”

“In life’s tough times, God does not abandon you. That’s when God acts as a mother before you and walks you through it.”

Father Guillermo Córdoba, administrator of Our Lady of the Americas Mission, Lilburn

Key theme: Biblical heroes and the tenets of discipleship.

“Mary is the first disciple, the great disciple. … She is the clearest example of fidelity to God … the handmaid who trusts completely in God, who calls her.”

“Carry your cross. Live it. … What is your vision? What needs saving in your life, in your church? That is the cross that God has entrusted to you.”

“Our mission in the Archdiocese of Atlanta is to keep evangelizing. … Go to your pastor, your priests, and talk to them. Collaborate on projects. We all have grace, and we all walk together in prayer, in the sacraments and in our formation in community life.”

Bishop David P. Talley, auxiliary bishop of Atlanta

Key theme: An urgent call to justice.

“How sad when we begin looking at each other not as human beings but as classes of people. … Begin to think as Jesus, the crucified and risen Lord.”

“Give your hearts to me. Become my body, my voice, my justice, and bring the kingdom of God to Atlanta, Georgia. We are all citizens of God. This Catholic Church exists to proclaim him … and set this world on fire. Today, today, today!”