OLM hosts eighth-grade retreat
Published April 22, 2014
On Wednesday, April 2, the Our Lady of Mercy High School community welcomed 65 eighth-graders from Our Lady of Victory School, Tyrone, St. John the Evangelist School, Hapeville, and St. Peter Claver School, Decatur, for a day-long retreat. The annual event, nicknamed the “Spark Retreat,” is to ignite a sense of passion for faith and God’s love in the hearts of the eighth-graders. Principal Brian Newhall said he enjoys welcoming future students into the school’s Catholic community with the annual retreat. He added that serving others and serving God is a message the Our Lady of Mercy community takes to heart.
The Mercy FLAME team, under the guidance of Fine Arts Department chairwoman Jennifer Cawley and theology instructor Mary Murtha, consists of 30 Mercy students who help organize retreats and events throughout the school year.
Greeted by Mercy students upon arrival, the eighth-graders were given a red, Mercy T-shirt with the “Class of 2018” printed on it.
“We wanted all of the students to feel like they belong together at Mercy and to have a day where they weren’t divided by schools or social groups, but where they could all be future Mercy students who put Christ at the center of their lives,” said Cawley.
The day consisted of short talks followed by small group reflections, leadership games, skits and teambuilding. The day culminated with an inspirational liturgy by Father Llane Briese, school chaplain.