Grey Nun writes book on foundress of congregation
Published February 20, 2014
The Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart served here for 73 years, ministering in education, health care, social work and administrative posts. Yet, their story from 18th century Canada to 21st century America is unknown to many Georgians, according to a news release.

Sister Patricia Geary has written a book on St. Marguerite d’Youville, foundress of the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart. A Grey Nun, Sister Patricia served as an educator in the Atlanta Archdiocese.
“Paths of Compassion” is a history of the Grey Nuns. The book, by Sister Patricia Geary, recounts the story of Marguerite d’Youville, the congregation’s foundress, as well as the story of the women who have followed in her footsteps for four centuries.
A Grey Nun for more than 50 years, Sister Patricia taught at Christ the King School and was the curriculum director and later the assistant superintendent of schools for the Archdiocese of Atlanta. She holds a doctorate in communicative arts from Georgia State University.
“Over the years, the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart founded and operated schools, hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and facilities for the poor and the abused,” Sister Patricia said in the news release.
Sister Patricia points out that Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart continue to carry on St. Marguerite’s legacy of compassion as educators, guidance counselors and health care workers, in pastoral care and as ecological advocates.
Why is a 300-page history of a 300-year-old congregation a relevant publication in 2013? “Marguerite taught her sisters to labor not only with charity but also with practicality and purpose,” Sister Patricia said. “These qualities are as relevant and significant as they were in 18th century Canada. There is inspiration for today in the story of these women, whose lives were dedicated to the needs of others.”
Copies of “Paths of Compassion” can be ordered by calling 267-364-0505.