Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Charism School, Miracle Healing Service set for Feb. 7-9

Published January 23, 2014

ATLANTA—A school to receive teaching and training in some of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit will be offered in Atlanta Feb. 7-9, led by Damian Stayne, a lay evangelist from England who is also the founder of a Catholic charismatic and contemplative community there.

The Charism School will focus upon the gifts of prophecy, word of knowledge, healing, faith and deliverance. Stayne has been training people in the use of the charisms for 25 years and has been welcomed in many parts of the world. Concerned with what he sees as a diminishing of the use of the charisms within the charismatic renewal, he launched a program on how to grow in their use. He is the founder of the Cor et Lumen Christi community.

Some members of the Atlanta Catholic Charismatic Renewal (ACCR) attended a program he gave in Augusta in July 2012.

“The weekend was such an awesome and enriching experience that we looked forward to bringing this experience also to Atlanta,” said Emmanuela Medina, the coordinator of the renewal in Atlanta. She also serves on the National Service Committee Council to foster the grace of Pentecost in the life and mission of the Church.

At the Augusta conference, Stayne’s presentation addressed the scriptural basis of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and emphasized that the gifts are to be used to bring the love of God and the power of God to the world and to others. Faith is essential in the use of the gifts, he said, and love for one another must outweigh concern for one’s reputation in yielding to the gifts.

Another point, Medina said, was that “you are intensely Catholic when you exercise the gifts.”

The Charism School will begin Friday evening, Feb. 7, at 7 p.m. and conclude at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 9. The cost is $60, which includes lunch on Saturday and Sunday and program materials. The events will be held at Blessed Trinity High School, 11320 Woodstock Road, Roswell. It is open to the public.

During the weekend there will be workshops on the areas covered in the Charism School, opportunities to practice the gift of prophecy, how to step out in faith and how to pray for healing for people. The weekend also includes times of praise and worship, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Mass.

In addition, on Saturday evening, Feb. 8, from 7 to 10 p.m. a Miracle Healing Service will take place, which is open to the public and for which there is no cost. This will be an opportunity to receive prayer for healing.

To register online for the Charism School, please visit Those who are paying by check are asked to make the check payable to ACCR. Checks should be mailed together with a completed registration form to ACCR, P.O. Box 870556, Stone Mountain, GA 30087.

For information, contact, 678-464-9008 or 770-931-2533.