Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


PATH fundraiser dinner features singer

Published October 10, 2013

ATLANTA—The annual fundraising dinner for PATH, a post abortive treatment and healing ministry, will feature an uplifting performance by singer Maiesha McQueen. It will be held on Thursday evening, Nov. 7, in Moylan Hall at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Atlanta. Tickets are $50.

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The dinner, which will be held from 7 to 9 p.m., will be catered by Petite Auberge. In addition to McQueen’s performance, the “JAS” trio will provide music during the banquet.

Throughout the year, PATH provides counseling and healing in retreats and assembles small, directed study groups with biblically based readings and discussions to heal and to reconcile men and women affected by abortion. In turn they often become stirring spokespeople for life. At the fundraiser, Chris Buck and John Tuggle will briefly share their life-changing stories.

The impact of PATH’s confidential ministry is growing. PATH is starting a ministry to the Hispanic community. Spokespersons take the message in caring, non-threatening terms to schools, teen groups, pro-life programs, church congregations, men’s and women’s groups, college students and assemblies and other metro Atlanta forums.

Banquet supporters will hear McQueen, a local performer who has the gift of being able to sing in many different styles, ranging from sacred to pop music. A graduate of New York University Tisch School of the Arts, she has performed in film, the theater and live performances. In one song, she will quietly touch the hearts of her listeners and, in the next song, have them up on their feet clapping.

For tickets, contact or 678-308-3932. For information on the PATH ministry, visit or call 404-717-5557.


Our Lady of the Assumption Church is located at 1350 Hearst Drive, NE, Atlanta, GA 30319.  For directions, visit or call 404-261-7181.