Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Photo by Thomas Spink / Archdiocese of Atlanta
Year of Faith video contest winners Kate Papania, 23, left, and Julio Palacio, 26, smile as Archbishop Gregory congratulates them both on winning the first place prize of a trip to Rome, Italy.

College Park

Double Blessing For Year Of Faith Filmmakers

By ANDREW NELSON, Staff Writer | Published June 6, 2013

COLLEGE PARK—Two short films earned the top prize as part of the archdiocesan Year of Faith video contest—a trip to Rome, Italy.

Filmmakers were asked to contribute a three-minute film focused on faith. About 15 nominations were submitted.

Julio Palacio and Kate Papania stood in front of the crowd at the 2013 Eucharistic Congress as Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory broke the news they were both grand-prize winners.

“I was so nervous, I was praying,” said Palacio, 26, who studied film at Georgia State University.

Palacio, who attends Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Atlanta, made the short film, “Caminamos en la Fe” (“We Walk by Faith”).

“I thought the hard part was to show faith because you cannot see faith,” he said.

The Spanish film follows a man who loses the use of legs after a motorcycle accident. After his mother puts a Bible by the man’s bed, the man starts to read Scripture. As his faith grows, his life becomes richer, laughing with friends, shooting hoops. The final scene is the man appearing to walk out of his wheelchair. But the scene goes to black.

Palacio said he wanted to leave it unanswered whether the man walked since his faith journey is more important than his physical rehabilitation.

“It doesn’t matter what happens in your life, if you are with Jesus, you are complete,” he said.

Palacio, who is from Colombia, will be making his first trip to Rome.

Papania, 23, and her sister, Mary, put together “Our Catholic Faith.”

The black and white film features a pair of hands unwrapping Scripture verses found in prayer cards, among Marian icons, in a tableau of bread and wine, and with other religious symbols.

Hands are a central element in the film because they are so important to the faith. Catholics exchange a sign of peace by shaking hands, bless themselves with their hands by making the sign of the cross, and raise them high in praise, said Papania.

She said also limiting the scene to show hands and the filming in black and white makes the viewer pays attention to the Scripture. Also, unwrapping the Scripture is an encouragement for people to incorporate faith into their daily life, by carrying Scripture in a purse, wallet and any place they can see it easily, she said.

“It’s really important for young people to be involved. We are both artists; that’s how we express ourselves. We’re proud to be Catholic,” she said.

Papania studied in Rome for a time while attending the University of Dallas. Her sister is a sophomore at St. Pius X High School, Atlanta.

To see the films, visit the Year of Faith website at: