Two Girl Scouts Achieve Gold Award
Published March 28, 2013
Two classmates became the first students from Holy Spirit Prep School, Atlanta, to receive the Girl Scout Gold Award.
Carson Hooper and Sabrina Angelo celebrated the accomplishment at a presentation held on March 10 at The Fox Theatre.
Fewer than 5 percent of all Girls Scouts earn the award, the highest honor in Girl Scouts. Each girl must organize a major project that meets the needs of a community problem.
In Carson’s project, she led 30 students to fix up a senior citizen’s yard. They removed and trimmed overgrown trees and bushes, built a spilt rail fence, planted flowers, built a path and refurbished a courtyard. Her project helped a senior citizen have a better outlook on life by showing her that she had not been forgotten, said Carson.
A photo blog of the cleanup is posted at
Carson, a junior, plays competitive soccer and has been a Girl Scout for 11 years, earning her Bronze and Silver awards and all Catholic religious awards.
The focus of Sabrina’s project was patients at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Patients are encouraged as part of their recovery to do routine daily activities. The high school junior coordinated the creation of more than 150 pre-packaged arts and crafts kits for young patients.
Sabrina has been a Girl Scout for 11 years and is captain of her school’s varsity cheerleading squad. She has also earned Bronze and Silver awards and all the Catholic religious awards of the Girl Scouts.