Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

Nov. 18 Named For Knight

Published December 6, 2012

Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory declared Nov. 18 in the Atlanta Archdiocese—“for the gatherings of all Knights of Peter Claver, now and in the future”—to be known as Clarence Lott Day.

Lott, who is 100 years old, was recognized for his nearly a century of service with the Knights of Peter Claver, which began when he was an apprentice Junior Knight in 1919. He has had full membership since 1930.

“As a sign of our esteem, before Almighty God and His Blessed Mother, and before the assembly of His Church, it is an honor and a privilege to recognize and congratulate, on this Day of the Lord, November 18, 2012, Sir Knight Clarence Lott, of the 4th Degree Knights of Peter Claver,” wrote the ar6chbishop.

He said Lott’s dedication to God and to the church and “devotion to the Christian example of Saint Peter Claver” deserves a celebration. The “venerable robe of a full 100 years of life, a noble span” gives further reason to mark this “signal birthday, a rare and notable event,” he wrote.