Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

College Park

2012 Eucharistic Congress By The Numbers

Published May 24, 2012

The annual Eucharistic Congress is a huge undertaking.

It has grown from a Corpus Christi devotion drawing a few hundred people in the Archdiocese of Atlanta into one of the largest displays of Catholic faith in the Eucharist in the Southeast.

A look at the numbers gives a glimpse at the variety of activities and the amount of work that goes into the free two-day event held at the Georgia International Convention Center. This year it takes place on June 8-9 with the theme “We Though Many Are One Body in Christ.”  As always, the congress is free and open to all.

How many chairs are set up in the main galleries of the GICC? 10,000

How many lunches are bought for volunteers? 600

How many people attend? Estimates run from 20,000 to 30,000

How many people are in the Archdiocese of Atlanta? About 900,000

How many Communion hosts are set aside for the Eucharistic Congress? 10,000

How many stations are set up for priests to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation? 50

How many languages are available for confession? English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Vietnamese, Chinese

How many vendors are selling in the marketplace? 56

What time do doors open on Saturday? 7 a.m.

What time do doors close on Saturday? After the closing Mass, which begins at 5 p.m.

How many children can attend the Adore children’s program? 400, with advance registration only.

How many chasubles are available for priests? 250

How much does the Eucharistic Congress cost the Archdiocese of Atlanta? Approximately $200,000 

How many volunteers are used? 600

How many individual banners are carried in the Eucharistic procession? 125 at a minimum

How many hours is the Eucharistic adoration chapel open during the Congress? Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

How many seats are in the adoration chapel? About 60

How many sponsoring organizations are there? 19 … and counting.