Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta

College Park

Sponsors Help Make Congress Happen

Published April 26, 2012

This year, a new sponsorship program will be adding to the success of the 2012 Eucharistic Congress.

Mary Ellen Cenzalli, associate director of development for the Atlanta Archdiocese, said that a newly formed sponsorship committee has found companies and organizations that have contributed financially to the bottom line for this annual event, which attracts many Catholics throughout the region.

She said, “We have over $36,000 in sponsorships so far. We feel that being a sponsor offers specific benefits—and an opportunity to get a company some exposure in front of 30,000 faithful Catholics.”

The four sponsorship levels offer not only premium exposure in the exhibit hall at the congress but also valuable advertising through The Georgia Bulletin, social media and other outlets.

Among those supporting the Eucharistic Congress financially this year are the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia, which is sponsoring the English Track; leading sponsors Catholic Charities Atlanta and The Maximus Group; sustaining sponsors American Heritage Girls, Catholic TV, Holy Spirit College, Integrated Catholic Life and the St. Vincent de Paul Society; and contributing sponsors Catholic Relief Services, EWTN – Global Catholic Network, Augustine Institute and the Serra Club of Metropolitan Atlanta.

Sponsorships are still available, and companies can sign up using the registration form available at the archdiocesan website,

For additional questions contact Steve Siler in the Stewardship Office at or (404) 920-7603.