Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Looking For Young Artists For CCHD Arts Contest

Published February 16, 2012

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is sponsoring its annual Youth Arts Contest for youth in two age groups—grades 7-9 and 10-12—who live in one of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico.

The theme for the 2012 contest is “Faith in Action! Uproot Poverty Together.” Through the contest, schools, young people learn about poverty, its causes and the Catholic faith response, and then become educators themselves as they use their art to creatively communicate what they have learned.

Teens should not submit their art directly to the national office directly but rather send it to the Archdiocese of Atlanta CCHD office for local judging. The diocesan office then sends one winner per age category to the national competition.

Any form of art is welcome. The judging categories will be divided as follows: 2-D art (drawing, painting, charcoal), photography, graphic/computer art (including PowerPoint presentations), literature (poetry, prose, short story, drama), audio (songs, vocal performance) and video/performance (documentaries, drama).

The Atlanta Archdiocese will hold a CCHD Art Contest gallery and reception on Saturday, March 24, at the Chancery in Smyrna. All artists who submit entries to the contest are invited to attend. During this reception, winners for each category and age group will be announced. A variety of prizes will be awarded to local winners in each category.

The two grand prize winners for the archdiocese (whose entries will be entered into the national competition) will also be announced at the event on March 24. One winner will be chosen from each age group. The national CCHD office will then select contest winners at the national level.

The national grand prize winner will receive a $500 cash award and a $500 gift to be designated in the winner’s name to a CCHD-funded group of the winner’s choice. This prize will be awarded at the annual conference sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, with all expenses paid for the winner and an accompanying adult to attend the awards ceremony. Second and third prizes and honorable mentions, including a monetary prize and matching grant for a CCHD-funded group, may also be awarded for each age category.

Artwork must be submitted to the Archdiocese of Atlanta by March 9.