Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Combined Collection To Benefit Mission Work

Published March 3, 2011

The Archdiocese of Atlanta has combined several second collections into one collection, which will be taken up in all parishes on the weekend of March 12-13. This combined collection will benefit Black and Indian Missions, Catholic Home Missions, and Mission Cooperative.

The National Collection for Black and Indian Missions began in 1884 and supports evangelization programs in almost every archdiocese and diocese in the United States.

The Catholic Home Missions Appeal strengthens the church in the U.S. where resources are thin and priests are few. This appeal funds essential pastoral activities in mission dioceses across the United States, with special emphasis on evangelization, religious education, maintenance of mission parishes, training of seminarians and lay ministers, and ministry with ethnic groups.

The Mission Cooperative Collection is an opportunity for the archdiocese to financially assist those missionaries, dioceses and religious orders from around the globe that so desperately need aid. The funds collected from all parishes are pooled and then split evenly between the missionaries that have been chosen to participate.