Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Priest Assignment

Published November 25, 2010

Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory has announced the following changes in priest assignments.

Father Pedro Poloche, Father Peter J. Rau and Father James A. Schillinger have each been appointed for a five-year term to the College of Consultors of the Archdiocese of Atlanta.

Msgr. W. Joseph Corbett, Franciscan Father Gregory Hartmayer, Father Francis G. McNamee and Father John P. Walsh have each been re-appointed for a second five-year term to the College of Consultors of the Archdiocese of Atlanta.

Msgr. Stephen T. Churchwell, Msgr. James J. Fennessy and Father Jose Duvan Gonzalez have completed their terms with the College of Consultors.