Georgia Bulletin

The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta


Drawn To God Through Eucharist: Father Omar Loggiodice

By STEPHEN O’KANE, Staff Writer | Published July 2, 2009

Father Omar Loggiodice remembers seeing a small, wooden tabernacle as a young man, and before he could fully understand the miracle of the Eucharist, he sensed God’s presence in that small resting place in the church sanctuary.

“Why is he in that little box?” he asked himself on several occasions growing up.

Now at ordination, Father Loggiodice continues to reflect upon the forces that brought him to where he is today.

“What produced the call (to the priesthood) was the Eucharist itself,” he said. “The Eucharist and Our Lady have guided me.”

He remembers watching the consecration at Mass as a young man and wondering how a human being could have the ability to call down God to be present in the humble bread and wine.

“The closer I get to ordination, the more I realize the supernatural gift that the priesthood is,” Father Loggiodice said. “I don’t feel worthy.”

The Miami native, 38, is the son of Omar and Virginia Loggiodice, one of three children. An electronics engineer, he worked in the computer software industry for more than 15 years. He said he first felt a call to the priesthood more than a decade ago in 1996.

“It took several years to move forward” with the pursuit of that vocation though, Father Loggiodice said.

The Eucharist has been important in his life from very early on and continues to be a driving force in his relationship with God. He recalls participating in perpetual adoration at his parish of St. Catherine of Siena, Kennesaw.

Father Loggiodice remembers taking time before work to visit with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and experiencing “the constant radiation of love from God,” when praying before the monstrance.

While his vocation has become clear, Father Loggiodice recognizes that it is no easy task. He is preparing himself for the challenges he is sure to face.

“The life of the priest is full of sacrifice,” he said, jokingly adding that anyone discerning priesthood who thinks it will be easy must be confused about his vocation.

As one phase of his journey comes to end, Father Loggiodice says he is certainly still learning about the priesthood and the role of the priest in a parish setting. The priest and his family recently struggled through the death of his infant niece, and have received support from priests, especially Father Adrian Pleus, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Church, Dallas.

Father Pleus celebrated the funeral Mass for the Loggiodice family, allowing Father Loggiodice to experience firsthand the support and guidance that a priest can offer a family.

“It really showed me the importance of the priest,” he said. “Father Adrian continues to teach me.”

First Assignment: St. Joseph Church, Marietta

Father Omar Loggiodice

Education: Electronic engineering, Simon Bolivar University, Caracas, Venezuela. Master’s in divinity, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md.

Work Experience: Fifteen years in the computer software industry in application development.

Hobbies and Interests: Theology, philosophy, computers.

Particular Ministries of Interest: Simply to do the will of God

Additional Languages Spoken: Italian, Spanish, reads Latin

Favorite Quote: “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).