Alliance Of The Two Hearts To Host Lenten Events
Published February 21, 2008
The vigil on Friday will be held at St. Andrew Church, Roswell, and will begin at 8 p.m. with a scriptural rosary and time for the sacrament of reconciliation. Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory, who will also speak on “The Communion of Reparation,” will celebrate Mass at 9 p.m., along with Archbishop-emeritus John F. Donoghue, Father John Santos, the first priest ordained for the Oblate Apostles of the Two Hearts, and priests of the archdiocese. From 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. will be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. At 1 a.m. Father Edgardo Arellano will celebrate Mass to end the vigil.
The Lenten retreat for the East and South chapters of the Alliance of the Holy Family will be held on the weekend. About 70 members from as far as Canada to San Juan, Puerto Rico, and west to Nebraska are expected to attend. Led by Father Arellano, the retreat will begin on Saturday at 8 a.m. with praise, worship and talks offered throughout the day. Mass will be celebrated at 6 p.m.
On Sunday, March 9, Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m., and praise, worship and talks will follow. Closing remarks for the retreat are at 5 p.m.
Father Arellano, a canon lawyer and theologian, is the international spiritual director of the Alliance of the Holy Family International, a movement working under the Pontifical Council for the Family, whose mission is to promote holiness of family life through consecration to the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Father Arellano is also the host of the TV program “One In Their Hearts,” aired on Eternal Word Television Network. He headed the organization of two international theological symposia on the Alliance of the Two Hearts in Rome in 1995 and in 1997, which became the basis for the introduction of the Alliance of the Two Hearts as a means of devotion and a way of life in 104 countries today. The 2008 International Theological Pastoral Symposium on the Alliance of the Two Hearts will be held in Rome Feb. 26-29, just before the retreat in Atlanta.
The Alliance of the Two Hearts encourages and promotes a way of life that is centered in the Eucharist and Marian in spirituality. Based on a belief that holiness begins in the home, families practice the communion of reparation with four elements as the foundation: rosary, reconciliation, Eucharist and holy hours of adoration. In the Atlanta Archdiocese, the Alliance celebrates a First Friday, First Saturday vigil monthly.
Those wishing to attend the retreat must pre-register, as space is limited. The cost for the retreat is $10 for individuals. Families can pay $25 for one day or $30 for both days. All religious may attend for free.
Checks should be made out to “ATH.” The form for registration is available at the Web site, Completed forms should be mailed to: Alliance of the Two Hearts, East/South Lenten Retreat ’08, 1090 Riverside Road, Roswell, GA 30076-4000.
The Holiday Inn Roswell is located at 909 Holcomb Bridge Road, Roswell. To contact the hotel, call (770) 817-1414. For a special rate, ask for the Two Hearts rate.
For more information about the event, contact Diane Guesman at (770) 993-1846 or For more information about the Alliance of the Two Hearts, go to the Web site at